Decorating cookies to leave out for Santa... and sampling the red frosting every chance possible! zIMG_7435

Jake assembling the police/fire station doll house.  It came in a million pieces, but he somehow got it all together!


Stocking stuffers, meaning lots of stickers.  You can never ever have enough stickers.


Nonnie and Grandpa got to join us via Skype.  Technology is amazing.


Lily and Jake reading one of her new books.  Yes, that's Olive Garden dressing in the background.  We like to keep it classy.


Snuggles with Uncle Danny.  Lily can't get enough of him... though I think her volume and constant energy are a lot for a him to handle.  Especially at 7am!


I think Lily was trying to feed her new dolly in this picture.  She named her Veronica... quite the choice for a baby doll!


Cookies and matching jammies with Lily Frog.  Does life get any better?
