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Peanut Johnnycakes

I received the book A World of Cake recently and I love love love it.  I am a cookbook nerd.  I read each one front to back like a novel.  All of  them have neon tabs marking recipes that I want to go back to and I always love the recipes that tell the story behind the dish.  And that's why this book is amazing.  It has cakes from all over the world (it is organized by country), from all points of history, and it tells the story behind each recipe.  But wait!  It also has timelines, charts, field guides, and who knows what else.  I would read this cookbook even if I didn't bake. (Speaking of worldly: check out my little flamenco dancer). 

Johnnycakes come from the Bahamas - where corn is a staple crop - and are eaten as an everyday snack sold right on the street.  And why not?  I would eat them every day, too, if street vendors sold them in my town!  No, my town doesn't have street vendors - we don't even have fast food - but a girl can dream.  They are kind of like corn pancakes.  A moist cornbread of sorts.  Adding chopped peanuts is a common variety, and to be honest, I was a little skeptical about the combo of corn and peanuts.  But the flavors are actually nice together and the peanuts add a great crunch.  Who wants to go to the Bahamas with me to try the real thing?!

Peanut Johnnycakes
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1 1/2 cups cornmeal
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1 Tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
2 eggs, beaten
1/2 cups milk, heated
2 Tbsp unsalted butter, melted
3/4 cup chopped peanuts

Heat and generously butter a griddle.  Combine the cornmeal, flour, sugar, and salt in a bowl.  Add in the eggs, milk, and butter.  Add in the peanuts and mix.  Pour the batter onto the griddle in 4-inch rounds.  Cook on both sides until cooked through and golden.  Serve plain, with confectioners sugar, honey, butter, and/or syrup.

Source: A World of Cake