Giveaway: Scribble Linens Placemats
**The giveaway is over - congrats to Heather S.!**
Scribble Linens is a company that makes table covers that are a beautiful fabric on one side and a chalk board on the other. Lily adored having a fun chalk activity, and I love that it a) kept her interested and at the table, and b) made a really cool place marker, and c) can be flipped over if you want a cleaner look! It's really perfect. These would be great for your own holiday meal or would be an awesome gift to someone else. I naturally think of kids doing the decorating, but there are some beautiful examples of classy "scribbles" that you could do as well. Check out a ton of ideas here.
Luckily, there is a 4-piece set of Scribble Linens placemats up for grabs! They have generously offered to send them to one lucky winner of this giveaway. Trust me, you want this set! a Rafflecopter giveaway